
class BWAPI.TechType

The TechType (or Technology Type, also referred to as an Ability) represents a Unit‘s ability which can be researched with Unit.research() or used with Unit.useTech().

In order for a Unit to use its own specialized ability, it must first be available and researched.

See also



TechType([id = TechTypes.Enum.None])

Expected type constructor.

If the type is an invalid type, then it becomes Unknown. A type is invalid if its value is less than 0 or greater than Unknown.

Parameters:id (int) – The id that corresponds to this type. It is typically an integer value that corresponds to an internal Broodwar type. If the given id is invalid, then it becomes Unknown.

Member Functions

getID() → int

Retrieves this type’s identifier as an integer.

Returns:An integer representation of this type.
Return type:int
isValid() → boolean

Checks if the current type has a valid identifier. The purpose of this function is to prevent buffer overflows if a type has been handled improperly.

A type is valid if it is between 0 and Unknown (inclusive).

Returns:true if this type is valid and false otherwise.
Return type:boolean
getName() → string
Returns:The variable name of the type.
Return type:string
energyCost() → int

Retrieves the amount of energy needed to use this TechType as an ability.

Returns:Energy cost of the ability.
Return type:int

See also


gasPrice() → int

Retrieves the vespene gas cost of researching this technology.

Returns:Amount of vespene gas needed in order to research this technology.
Return type:int
getOrder() → Order

Retrieves the Order that a Unit uses when using this ability.

Returns:Order representing the action a Unit uses to perform this ability
Return type:BWAPI.Order
getRace() → Race

Retrieves the race that is required to research or use the TechType.

Returns:Race object indicating which race is designed to use this technology type.
Return type:BWAPI.Race


There is an exception where Infested Kerrigan can use Psionic Storm. This does not apply to the behavior of this function.

getWeapon() → WeaponType

Retrieves the Weapon that is attached to this tech type.

A technology’s WeaponType is used to indicate the range and behaviour of the ability when used by a Unit.

Returns:WeaponType containing information about the ability’s behavior. Returns WeaponTypes.None if there is no corresponding WeaponType.
Return type:BWAPI.WeaponType
mineralPrice() → int

Retrieves the mineral cost of researching this technology.

Returns:Amount of minerals needed in order to research this technology.
Return type:int
requiredUnit() → UnitType

Retrieves the UnitType required to research this technology.

The required unit type must be a completed unit owned by the player researching the technology.

Returns:UnitType that is needed to research this tech type. Returns UnitTypes.None if no unit is required to research this tech type.
Return type:BWAPI.UnitType
researchTime() → int

Retrieves the number of frames needed to research the tech type.

Returns:The time, in frames, it will take for the research to complete.
Return type:int
targetsPosition() → boolean

Checks if this ability can be used on the terrain (ground).

Returns:true if the ability can be used on the terrain.
Return type:boolean
targetsUnit() → boolean

Checks if this ability can be used on other units.

Returns:true if the ability can be used on other units, and false if it can not.
Return type:boolean
whatResearches() → UnitType

Retrieves the UnitType that can research this technology.

Returns:UnitType that is able to research the technology in the game. Returns UnitTypes.None if the technology/ability is either provided for free or never available.
Return type:BWAPI.UnitType
whatUses() → UnitTypeset

Retrieves the set of all UnitTypes that are capable of using this ability.

Returns:Set of UnitTypes that can use this ability when researched.
Return type:BWAPI.UnitTypeset


class BWAPI.TechTypeset

A container for a set of TechType objects.



Default constructor.


Copy constructor.

Parameters:set (BWAPI.TechTypeset) – The TechTypeset to copy.

Constructor to convert a Lua table to a set. Any values in the table that are of type TechType are added to the set.

Parameters:tbl (table) – A table containing TechType objects.

Member Functions

iterator() → iteratorFunction

Returns an iterator function intended to be used in for loops (e.g. for item in set:iterator() do).

Returns:An iterator function that will return the next value in the set with each successive call.
Return type:function
asTable() → table

Returns the values of the set as an array-like Lua table.


The ordering of the returned table is arbitrary (due to sets being unordered in the C++ implementation).

Returns:An array-like Lua table containing each value in the set.
Return type:table
count(val) → int

Searches the set for elements with a value of val and returns the number of elements found. Because sets do not allow for duplicate values, this means that the function will return either 1 or 0. Because of this, it’s recommended to use contains() instead.

contains(val) → boolean

Checks if this set contains a specific value.

Returns:true if the set contains the specified value, or false otherwise.
Return type:boolean
size() → int
Returns:The number of values in the set.
Return type:int


set:size() is exactly equivalent to #set

empty() → boolean
Returns:true if the set is empty (size() == 0), or false otherwise.
Return type:boolean

Inserts the value into the set.


Sets cannot contain duplicate values. If the value already exists in the set, the set will not be modified.

erase(val) → numElementsErased

Removes val from the set if it exists.

Returns:The number of elements removed. Because sets do not allow for duplicate values, this means that the function will return either 1 or 0.
Return type:int

Removes all elements from the set, leaving it with a size of 0.


Iterates the set and erases each element x where pred(x) returns true. The set is modified in place.

Parameters:pred (function) – A predicate function that takes a value and returns true for values that should be erased and false otherwise.

Alias of eraseIf()


Iterates the set and erases each element x where pred(x) returns false. The set is modified in place.

Parameters:pred (function) – A predicate function that takes a value and returns true for values that should be kept and false for elements that should be erased.

Alias of filter()/keep_if()


Alias of filter()/keepIf()