Differences Between the C++ and Lua API

Most of the API follows the conventions of the C++ API and can be used in exactly the same ways, although there are exceptions in cases where either:

  • The Lua programming language does not have the same capabilities as C++, so things must be done a different way
  • It makes more sense to do something in a “Lua way” rather than the “C++ way”

This page documents all such differences.

All classes

Every bound class has a static member function isInstance which can be used to determine if a userdata value (an instance of a C++ class) is an instance of that class.

function determineType(unknown)
  if BWAPI.Position.isInstance(unknown) then
    print("It's a Position")
  elseif BWAPI.TilePosition.isInstance(unknown) then
    print("It's a TilePosition")
  elseif BWAPI.Unit.isInstance(unknown) then
    print("It's a Unit")
    print("It's something else")

Interface derived classes (Game, Player, Unit, etc)


Takes Lua functions for its action and condition parameters (note: condition can be nil)

Example usage
local Broodwar = BWAPI.Broodwar
local pos = u:getPosition()
local lastErr = Broodwar:getLastError()
local action = function()
   Broodwar:drawTextMap(pos, string.format("%c%s", BWAPI.Text.White, tostring(lastErr)))
Broodwar:registerEvent(action, nil, Broodwar:getLatencyFrames())

getClientInfo() and setClientInfo()

getClientInfo/setClientInfo have been removed in favor of a clientInfo property that is a Lua table. This allows for storing arbitrary data in a more user-friendly way.

Example usage
unit.clientInfo["test"] = 5


setClientInfo has also been removed from Unitset. Instead, you should simply iterate the Unitset and operate on the clientInfo of each unit as needed.

local value = 5
for unit in set:iterator() do
  unit.clientInfo["key"] = value

Functions that take a variable amount of string parameters in C++

All C++ functions that take variable amounts of strings now expect only a single string.


Any formatting must be done in Lua first (string.format), and then the formatted string can be passed into the function like normal.


A new convenience function has been added to send text to allies: sendTextToAllies(), which fowards the method to sendTextEx() with true as the first parameter. The following two snippets are exactly equivalent:

  • BWAPI.Broodwar:sendTextEx(true, "your message")
  • BWAPI.Broodwar:sendTextToAllies("your message")


cancelTrain() and getTrainingQueue()

All methods that deal with training slots have been changed to be one-indexed (like Lua), rather than zero-indexed (like C++). For example, to cancel the first unit being trained, you would now pass a slot of 1, whereas in C++ you’d pass a slot of 0. List of affected methods:

Similarly, getTrainingQueue() returns a Lua array-like table (which is one-indexed) instead of a std::list (which is zero-indexed). This allows for the following:

-- cancel the first dragoon found in the queue
local queue = building:getTrainingQueue()
for slot, unitType in ipairs(queue) do
  if unitType == BWAPI.UnitTypes.Protoss_Dragoon then


Iterating a training queue and canceling multiple slots while in the loop will result in unexpected behavior, as the slots will shift as things are canceled. For example, if you cancel slot 1 and then iterate to slot 2 and also cancel it, then you’ll actually be canceling what was originally in slot 3.



Returns two values instead of a std::pair

Example usage
local unitType, howMany = ut:whatBuilds()


Returns a Lua table of the format { [<unitTypeID>] = <howMany> }, where <unitTypeID> is the integer ID/Enum of a required UnitType (equal to UnitType:getID()) and <howMany> is the required number of that unit.

Example usage
local scv = BWAPI.UnitTypes.SCV
local requiredUnits = scv:requiredUnits()
for unitTypeID, howMany in pairs(requiredUnits) do
  local requiredUnitType = BWAPI.UnitType(unitTypeID)
  local str = string.format("%s requires %d %s",

SetContainer implementations (Unitset, Playerset, etc)

The set can be iterated one of two ways:

  • for x in set:iterator() do
  • for i, x in ipairs(set:asTable()) do

Also, any SetContainer types of the format ClassName::set are bound as ClassNameset, to match the naming convention of the other SetContainer types (Playerset, Unitset, etc). For example, UnitType::set is bound as BWAPI.UnitTypeset.

An additional convenience method, filter (e.g. BWAPI.Unitset.filter()), has been added to easily filter a set using a predicate function, as well as some aliases for filter and erase_if (see eraseIf(), keep_if(), keepIf()).

All lists (std::list, Position::list, UnitType::list, etc)

All C++ functions that return lists now return array-like Lua tables.

local nukeDots = BWAPI.Broodwar:getNukeDots()
for i, pos in ipairs(nukeDots) do
   print(string.format("There's a nuke at %s", tostring(pos)))


All functions that take a UnitFilter parameter now expect a Lua function that takes a unit and returns a boolean.


BWAPI.Filter functions can be used by calling them with a Unit as the parameter (e.g. BWAPI.Filter.CanAttack(unit))

These filters can also be combined by using the normal Lua boolean operators and wrapping/returning the result in a function. The function can then be passed as an argument to functions that would normally take a UnitFilter in C++, like so:

local myFilter = function(unit)
  return BWAPI.Filter.CanAttack(unit) and not BWAPI.Filter.IsOrganic(unit)
local closest = unit:getClosestUnit(myFilter)


All functions that take a BestUnitFilter parameter now expect a Lua function that takes two parameters: the current best unit, and the unit to compare to, and returns the best unit out of the two.

local bestFilter = function(a, b)
  if b:getHitPoints() > a:getHitPoints() then
    return b
  return a
local best = BWAPI.Broodwar:getBestUnit(bestFilter, BWAPI.Filter.IsOrganic)

Event and Game::getEvents

For now, the getEvents function of BWAPI.Game has been removed, and there are no bindings for the BWAPI.Event class. This is subject to change if it’s shown to be necessary.